Wood Slat Sand Fence for Beach Erosion

Ocean-front homeowners, commercial properties and municipalities across the Mid-Atlantic choose wood slat sand fence because it is affordable, effective and reliable.

Sand Fence is a wood-slat fence for beach preservation. This temporary fence is an effective and environmentally friendly way to restore dunes, preserve coastlines and control sand drifts.

In northern climates, wood slat fence is typically known as Snow Fence because it controls wind drifts in regions that get high volumes of snow.


4′ x 50′ Wood slat fence
No.1 Aspen pickets with squared-off top and bottom
Connected with galvanized steel wire
Available with iron oxide treatment (stained) or natural (unstained)


Beach preservation
Dune restoration
Vegetation prevention barrier
Control sand/snow drifts around roadways and construction sites

Installing Sand Fence

Wood Slat Fence is typically installed with steel fence posts, 2x4s or U-Channel Posts. Installation standards including the type of fence post and post spacing varies by municipality, engineer and project. Always refer to local standards for fence installation requirements and beach preservation restrictions.

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